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Meet the Pilot and Owner
Davy Nichols, Pilot and Owner, has more than 20 years of flying experience and over 2,300 hours of air time. He is instrument and commercially rated in complex high performance aircraft. Safety is first and foremost in each and every flight. Coastal Sky Taxi is FAA certified (#4YTA002) as an air carrier operation.
The Plane
Coastal Sky Taxi proudly operates a Cessna Skylane R182, N4834S hangared at Hummel Field in Topping, VA. Cessna Aircraft is the largest single engine aircraft manufacturer and boasts some of the highest safety records in aviation. In 2013, this high performance aircraft was outfitted with a brand new fuel injected 265 hp Lycoming engine and new three blade McCauley propellor, providing greater safety and proven reliability. N4834S is able to takeoff and land from unimproved airstrips shorter than 1,500 feet. This allows Coastal Sky Taxi to fly to over 15,000 airports in the contiguous U.S. compared to only 600 available to airliners.
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